Mary and I had a pretty intense semester this past spring. She was studying for finals and finishing up her internship at Lafayette Elementary School. My life was consumed with study sessions at the library, preparing for my comp exams. We both named our individual rewards for earning our Masters degrees. My reward was to be a party pig of Southern Pecan beer. Little did I know that Oxford no longer carries the party pigs. I think it has something to do with supply and demand. The beer is becoming so popular, they can't keep it both in restaurants and bars as well as in retail locations. So I never got my party pig. Lynn Sloan did buy me a half case of Southern Pecan in bottles, though!!!
I'll have to correct myself. Mary's reward was not for earning her degree. She wanted to celebrate signing a contract for employment. We found out late April/early May that she was offered the job of counselor at Lafayette Middle School. Though we were extremely excited and full of celebration, Mary wanted to follow the rules. She wouldn't accept her reward until she actually signed her contract. Though we knew she had the job, she didn't actually get and sign her contract until she went to work full time in July. We finally got our chance to go eat dinner in celebration of officially becoming DINKS (Double Income No Kids).

Mary outside of Kabuki with her Educator's License

Our dinner being prepared
Full bellies