Friday, August 1, 2008

Hayes Edward Hollis

We are THRILLED to welcome our baby nephew!!! My sister, Sarah, and her husband, Jeffrey, are going to be amazing parents! I have been honored to "grow up" watching these two, and the love they share is contagious. We have all been praying, and hoping, and wishing, and waiting for a little one to join their family. Long story short, we're glad he is here...and I truly feel he's just in time! Please trust me when I say "there are no words" to describe how happy Scott and I are. As the days calm (will they really?), I will share more of their miraculous story.

For now, join me as we welcome:

Hayes Edward Hollis
July 31, 2008
10 fingers, 10 toes
7lbs. 1oz.

1 comment:

Dana and Chris Sheheane said...

These pictures are priceless and I am just in tears!! I can't wait for Wells to come on Monday or earlier and for Hayes and Wells to meet and be friends! Maybe even go to alabama together one day!!!! Love you Mary!!! Give Sarah all my love!!