(These next few posts are out of order....kind of like life right now! ha!)
We had a WONDERFUL time in Booneville at Scott's parents home. Unlike years past it was just the adults so it was a bit different. Rather than hunt eggs we played fiddle, and rather than candy we ate slugburgers. Easter is always a special holiday for me because of the significance of the day and the time of year. Spring brings new life and Easter Sunday is a grand celebration of the life Jesus Christ gave us when he died on the cross. Unlike other holidays, I enjoy Easter because it makes me pause and reflect rather than race and run to parties and parades. I love it! This year was really fun to hang out with Cindi, Chick, Carol and Gerald. I love going to Scott's parents house because it is so relaxing and I always return home rested and refreshed.
Easter Sunday we went to Gerald and Carol's church and listened to a beautiful Easter cantata concert by the choir. The music retold the Easter story and it was a nice way to hear the message. Sometimes I get more from music than preaching (gasp!).

Slugburgers? For years I have heard about these infamous burgers and have yet to taste one (I know what many of you are thinking--Mary? Try new things?!). Friday afternoon we decided to hop in the car and head up to Corinth so that Chick and I could experience this together. We pulled up to the White Trolley Cafe...

...scanned the menu (nice--notice the bologna egg sandwhiches on the menu among many other interesting items)....

...and awaited the arrival of my slugburger with cheese (which was about $1.00!)

A slugburger was made popular in the depression because they used very little meat and lots of breading to make the meat stretch further. They deep fried it and tah-dah, a delicacy! Anything fried is good!
For entertainment after dinner, we were treated to some of Papa's music. He is a very talented musician (we found his old band pictures!) and has taken up teaching himself how to play the fiddle and the mandelin. Papa can play. Scott cannot.

But Scott can pretend!
We had a very nice time with the Thompsons---we look forward to our next visit!