This weekend Scott and I were two preteen girls. These aren't your typical preteens. Yes, they like the Jonas Brothers and cell phones, but they are super sweet, super cool and super mature. I have known Brynn and Gracyn since they were toddlers (yes, I changed Gracyn's diapers!) and I kept in close touch with their family throughout all of my moves. Now that we're home in Oxford we get to see them a good bit--at church, around town, and especially while their dad, Darren, and Scott brew beer together. This weekend Darren and Allyson went out of town for a meeting with an extended stay for an anniversary celebration, and we got to have Brynn and Gracyn stay with us! And we loved it! We rearranged our furniture to accommodate Wii, cooked fun dinners (which we shared with our good friend and neighbor Linda--who also enjoys these young ladies very much!), loved on puppies (Mo, of course, and my sister's dog, Sipsey, who also stayed with us), watched silly movies and tv shows (including Miss America)...although we didn't leave the house but once, we were very busy! Thank you Allyson and Darren for our special weekend (and happy anniversary!) and thank you Brynn and Gracyn for playing with us.
Mo did not have any patience for the Wii. He wanted to play ball! So, Scott allowed Mo to play. Here he is bowling--and he is an expert bowler. The one and only time he bowled, he got a strike!

Brynn, Linda, and Gracyn watching Scott and Mo play.
This was me attempting to balance. I had lots of distractions (as you can see) and apparently it does not help your score if you are laughing. I was informed that my Wii Fit age is 64. Nice.Gracyn and Sipsey
Brynn, me and Gracyn watching The Click--a movie about 7th grade girls...but nothing like my favorite 7th grader, Brynn!
PIZZZZZZZA Party! Gracyn and I attempting to throw the dough! Scott took over and was much more successful. Don't be too impressed with our baking--see the box in the background? This was a Chef Boyardee kit, and it was pretty good if I may say so myself...

The finished and yummy product: Half cheese, half sausage.
The finished and yummy product: Half cheese, half sausage.
We had a great time this weekend and hope that now that Allyson and Darren see what we really did with their kids, they will let us keep them again sometime soon!