Sunday, January 18, 2009

December, Part 5: Christmas at Watercolor

The Thompson family has it figured out--rather than exchange gifts at Christmas, we go on a family trip! Each year we enjoy time together, which is the greatest gift we have to give. This year we headed South for the beach, to Watercolor, for relaxation, good food, shopping, and warmer weather. Our trip was relaxing at times, but for the most part it was eventful. Scott's father, Gerald, was admitted into the hospital for serious complications from diabetes. He spent the entire vacation in the hospital--under the watchful eyes of very caring doctors and nurses, who made our entire family feel welcome. They understood we were on vacation and even catered to him on his birthday (yes, he was very sick on his birthday!). Without elaborating, Gerald had fluid on his heart and lungs, therefore was experiencing complications with his kidneys. At the end of the week, he was stable and discharged and was sent home with a change in medication and strict instructions on his diet. He was in much better spirits, although I think he's most upset that he cannot eat potato chips anymore!! Many people contacted me and Scott and our family members throughout the week, offering comforting words and prayers. Most thought it was sad that we were experiencing such an event while on vacation, but I honestly believe it was a blessing--we were together, with no distractions, and were able to spend time together throughout the entire week. Although this is not how we would like to spend a holiday, we still feel that we were able to be together when it mattered most. Hopefully, Gerald will continue to grow stronger and that we'll be able to return to the beach soon so he can join us on our bikerides!
Me and Scott at the Seaside Pavilions
Mo's first trip to the beach
He LOVED it!
Eli and Ford ready for a bike ride
Uncle Scott, Eli and Ford (while Aunt Mary plays with the camera while riding her bike!)
Eli and Ford heading in to the hospital to visit Papa on his birthday
Scott and myself at ACME for dinner
MeMaw and Eli
Ford and MeMaw

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