But I'll only show it when a good laugh is in store.
The LMS Beauty Pageant was a few weeks ago--and no matter how I personally feel about 13 year olds in a beauty pageant complete with fancy (and expensive) gowns--I did agree to be an extremely important part of the pageant. I joined 4 other teachers as the Entertainment Act. Yes, e-n-t-e-r-t-a-i-n-m-e-n-t. (When I told my mom she said, "YOU? What are you doing?" I replied, "You say that as if I am not entertaining?!?!")
Mom was right on though....and you all know. Luckily the other 4 teachers were lacking just as I was....so we lip synced and danced all silly-like....all the while in a garbage bag. It really helped ease some of the girls' nerves--when I showed them that their dress was indeed much prettier and nicer than my Hefty. (Yes, I have a MASTERS in Counseling and this was the most effective tidbit I've had all year!)
Anyway, we had not one, but TWO, acts. We danced and jigged to the Cheetah Girls (who I had never heard of before and actually googled to "learn" the words) and had a good time! The highlight was when my "weave" feel out onto the stage.

I can't say NO.