After the wild weekend (or month) that was my 30th birthday celebration, Scott and I thought it would be nice to host a dinner party for our family and dear friends. We wanted to have company since we'd been working hard on our house...and we thought it would be most relaxing to visit at home rather than try to fight a night out with 20 or so people. So, once the decision was made, Scott invited our company (my family and his family as well as our wonderful family friends, the Ashmores). Then we got busy planning! Who knew that a big dinner party would have so many things to consider--like plates, glasses and utensils! We had the food covered (yes, we catered out!), but did not realize how challenging it would be to have 13 adults and 3 children over for dinner! I bought and borrowed several items and we collected tables and chairs....and somehow, we managed to have a lovely and very comfortable dinner party. It was such fun! I LOVED having my closest loved ones gathered under my roof. I did miss those that couldn't make it--and will consider another dinner party in the future...maybe next year!
Awaiting our company. Momma and Luke surprised me by delivering balloons to our house at some point in the day. He thought it was so funny that the balloons popped as Reese (my Momma) was wrestling them from the car to the funky flower yard art. As you can tell from the mass of strings, there were SEVERAL more balloons when the surprise started...

Some of the seating...LOVE our open and roomy house!

A house divided. My cake showed my love for BOTH of my alma maters. I think Momma was trying to make up for last year's Denny Chimes cake!

A little help with the wish.

The entire gang (minus the photographer, Scott):

Now, look closely at this photograph. I, the birthday girl, am grinning so hard I might pop. And everyone is smiling beautifully. Except for Jeffrey, who has quite an expression--WH-HUH-AAAAT?!? This is because, our photographer, pulled a great prank on the group. He got everyone gathered together, and then counted, "1, 2....everyone say 'APRIL 15!'...." After a confused mumble combined with some wise cracks about Tax Day, Scott yelled "Because that's the day Mary is having our baby!!" P-A-U-S-E. And Scott gave up waiting on the reaction shot, so he snapped the picture, only to have the freak-out he was waiting for the second AFTER the photograph was taken....oh well! The picture is still priceless.
And, YES, we're having a baby!!!!!!!!! Sharing this news, after telling NO ONE for 3 months, with our families was amazing! I have never been so happy and surrounded by love.
Many more baby updates to come...and now you see why I took a hiatus from the blog...